1: Crystallize and Sphere by Creo
2: 10000 and 2011 by Colbreakz
3: Corrosive, Wonderpunch, and Supernova by Xtrullor
4: 1077 and Badland by BoomKitty
5: Nightmare Fuel and Dream Dash by DJVI
6: Frontlines by dexarson
7: Time Leaper by Hinkik
8: Red Haze and Place on Fire by Creo
9: Event Horizon by xKore
10: Necromancy by zirconmusic
A couple other good ones were Surface by Dimrain47, Ego Death by Xtrullor, Tuxedo Lightsaber Battle by F-777, Amity by NIGHTkilla, Lunar Abyss by Lchavasse, Back On Track Again by DJVI, and Check Out by MadhouseDUDE.
The rest of my playlist is worthy of 5 stars, but these songs really stand out to me.
DISCLAIMER: Red Haze, Crystallize, Frontlines, and 10000 are not downloadable but I had to put them on there because this list is incomplete without them.
Favorite artists:
1: Creo
2: BoomKitty
3: F-777
5: Xtrullor
6: dj-Nate
7: Colbreakz
8: Dimrain47
9: Rukkus/Realistik/NIGHTkilla (same person)
10: hinkik
These could really go in any order as well. I also like Waterflame, Goukisan, LemKuuja, Gls, Jomekka, and most other EDM producers.
SECOND DISCLAIMER: Some positions are tied because it was too hard to choose between songs. I only tied songs by the same artist.
DISCLAIMER TO PREVIOUS DISCLAIMER: Yes, it was intentional that I split some of Creo's songs because Crystallize blew my previous favorite out of the water, and Sphere was the closest Creo song.
THIRD DISCLAIMER: I would have put a LOT more Creo songs on this list, but at least 5 spots would be Creo, including ties.
What about Ego Death?
Never heard it; i will check it out